Bill Genova's


March 19th NETWORK-NETWORK is back to the future at the Brunswick House | Monday, Feb 24th Classical Music for a song | Sunday, March 2nd join me to hear the lilt of Irish laughter and song | Monday, March 3rd, my art and others in support of Sunnybrook Hospital | Free events for you to enjoy! | Night by Night guide to being out on the town | PHOTO ALBUMS | The story behind NETWORK-NETWORK | Articles about NETWORK-NETWORK | The Origin of Words from my up coming book | My Art Works hung in a virtual gallery | Genova Tours...yes I misguide people around Toronto | Bill Genova ...Mr. Network's story | To add your name to the mailing list.
Monday, Feb 24th Classical Music for a song

An event in support of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra

The Associates of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra are having one of their lovely evenings on Monday, February 24th at 7:30 p.m. at Trinity-St Paul's Church at 427 Bloor St West. This supports the Symphony and gives you an inexpensive evening costing $10 to hear classical music from front row centre. This month you'll hear the Toronto Symphony's Youth Orchestra. Call me if you want tickets at 416-367-0380.

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