Tuesday and the sun still
is warming us up into the 80's. However we have shopping duties to be done. Elizabeth is especially interested in visiting
a St John Ladies Apparel store located at the Sawgrass Mills Mall. I tried using my GPS in the van and that proved impossible.
Just give me a good old fashion map. This mall's layout would run a close second to the labyrinth of the ancient past. It
sprawls, misdirects, snakes, and seems unplanned with not all stores listed on the too few information maps. Enough to drive
you crazy. It took two hours to find the St John store and leave happily to find a place for lunch.
Yes I know. Genova you are
talking about food again. However we were hungry and we have found it much cheaper to have a lunch then supper at many of
the high end restaurants. In this case we dined at the Galleria located on Sunrise Blvd at the Capital restaurant and it was
extraordinary. I had a Cobb Salad and Elizabeth a salad with chicken. Add a soup to start, wine and a bee, and finish with
a coconut cream pie in a setting whose tone is classic American high class and a lady waiting on us from behind the bar and
vive American and poo to poo to the French. I am still on my rant about the French and the observation on my part that the
"emperor has no clothes" attitude I have towards the French. I am not the only one that has observed that the France which
was once the centre o the world's cuisine has declined and fallen. You can eat better in America. You have to be choosey.
It is like milk in the old days when the cream would rise to the top the rest of the bottle is just plain milk. The fast food
restaurants are of course the curse of America with the resultant obesity pandemic in America. Enough.
Tonight as I type
this the Kennedy Award ceremonies are on television. This must be a repeat but they are honouring, Yo Yo Ma, Meryl Streep,
and others but I had a great emotional reaction when they were honouring Neal Diamond. They sang many of his hits but when
it came to Sweet Caroline it started with one solo singer, then a group joined in, followed by a large orchestra, then the
audience joined in the singing and finally the President and his wife as well as the other honorees. Everybody in one body
sang Sweet Caroline and rocked back and forth in one great love in. It was great. It is what I can identify with as part of
my world.