Enjoy some of the past NETWORK-NETWORK evenings (click on picture to go to album).
INSTRUCTIONS; The rules of Internet keep changing. At one time you could go directly to a photo album and view its contents for free. Now you can still view them for free but you have to do a hop step and jump to accomplish the same thing. You only have to do this one time, but remember what you are doing.
When you click on the picture, up will come a screen asking you to join Ofoto where the photos are stored. Please do so its free. When you do this you then can view the photo album.
If you want to print any of the photos please follow these instructions. When you are in the slide show right click your mouse on the picture that you want. A drop down box will appear and one of its elections is save to file. Do so. After you have stored the photos you want go to your photo program and print the photo.
Behind ever picture there is an album. Just click on the picture to see the full album behind the picture.

Wine Trip to Niagara, Oct 2002

Halloween Boo Tour of Mt Pleasant Cemetery

We were all Alley Cats at Alleycatz

Visiting the Colony Hotel Again

Tour of Kensignton and Ashkenaz Festival

Lulu was a great evening to network

A bicycle tour of the forts of Toronto on Simcoe Day

On the rooftop patio at the Parlour

Happy group at Hughies networking evening

By Hydrofoil to Niagara on July 1st.

Some networkers joined me for a Boat Cruise.

Another special outing at the opening of the Shanghai Cowgirl

Atop the world at the Westin Harbour Castle at Toula

A special event for networkers was the Rooney's Reunion

At Colony in March, 2002

At the Strthonca we enjoyed an English Pub atmosphere.

At Bahaus with believe it not an Italian beauty 
All Star Pub Nov 15, 2000 
Bruce Tail Hike 
Networking at Gatsby's 
Great ride to the beaches 
A great time at Manhattan 
Spring Time Bike Tour of the Don Valley 
All Star fun at All Stars 
Port Credit Bike ride 
An evening of delight |