July 2000
Genova Business Development President
Contract to various companies or projects. Organizing a Business Improvement area, creating and executing a market plan for a Toronto tour company, opening major restaurants and stores, tax sheltering, viaticals.
Additional activities;
· Tour manager and guide, historian and story teller. I give personal individual and group tours. I have given many step-on tours with bus companies that have contacted me, as well as tours via the hydrofoil and buses to Niagara Falls and throughout Southern Ontario.
· Each day I either walk 10 km or bike twice that distance which means I am up for walking and biking tours.
· Emergency supply teacher for the Toronto District School Board. I teach any subject but enjoy teaching History, Geography, Mythology, English, Civics, Philosophy, Business, Salesmanship, and Religion.
· I am a qualified TESL teacher. (Ontario TESL Diploma).
· I teach English at various ESL private schools and tutor privately as well.
· I also tutor adults to acquire computer skills.
· I also host monthly meetings titled "Celebrate your Intellect", which discuss a wide range of subjects.
Genova Associates President June 1998 June 2000 Business Development Facilitate companies at various levels of maturity from Venture Capital to Mezzanine Financing, to going public through an IPO Provides for companies -- Growth Assessment, Investment Banking Strategies, Management Strategic Planning, Research-Based Repositioning Strategies, Investor Media Relations, and on Going Management Consulting Connecting clients with individuals, companies, institutions, monies etc to achieve their objectives.
Sales Manager Retirement Compensation Funding January 1996 to May 1998. Focus on Retirement Compensation Arrangement and Pension Planning for executives in major corporations. Sell Business Life Insurance, health insurance, R.R.S.P., Pension plans, Group plans, R.R.I.F.'S, Tax Shelters, Mutual Funds, estate and financial plans.
President Genvita Inc., Ativita Inc., and Great Lakes Capital Ltd. January 1992 to December 1995 Investments involving the purchase or sale of real estate and mortgages for my own account, other individuals or syndicates. Networking and introducing individuals into business opportunities with each other.
Partner & Director Retirement Compensation Funding December 1990 to December 1991 Focus on Retirement Compensation Arrangement and Pension Planning for executives. Sell Business Life Insurance, health insurance, R.R.S.P., Pension plans, Group plans, R.R.I.F.'S, Tax Shelters, Mutual Funds, estate and financial plans.
Sales Manager Confederation Life/Toronto City Branch April 1987 to November 1990 Market and sell financial products for Confederation Life. These include Business Life Insurance, health insurance, R.R.S.P., Pension plans, Group plans, R.R.I.F.'S, Tax Shelters, Mutual Funds, estate and financial plans.
Account Executive Financial Planning Pan Financial October 1986 to March 1987 Market and sell financial planning, life insurance, disability, pension products, tax shelters and mutual funds.
President Genova Marketing Consultants
Financial Planner Professional Economic Consultants
Life Insurance Salesman Licensed with Confederation Life William Genova Insurance Agencies Inc. November 1973 to September 1983 Sell Business Life Insurance, health Insurance, Pension plans, Group Benefits, tax shelters and estate plans.
President Genova Communications
Corporate Communications Manager Xerox Corporation
Director of Advertising and Public Relations Honeywell Corporation
Sales Promotion Manager Prize Incentives
Copywriter Eaton's of Canada Limited
Assistant Promotion Manager CKLW Windsor Ontario
FORMAL EDUCATION: Graduate high school senior diploma Graduate of University of Ryerson (Degree in Radio and Television (Communications)) Ontario TESL Diploma (English as a Second Language).
COURSES GIVEN BY: (1) Advertising & Sales Club (2) Association of Industrial Advertisers (3) Industrial Marketers of Toronto (4) Association of Canadian Advertiser (5) Various corporate courses dealing with sales and marketing (6) Life Underwriters courses (7) Courses given by Independant Insurance Brokers Assoication (8) Licensed Level Two Life Insurance (9) Licensed to sell Registered Education Savings Plans
Chairman, Public Relations Council (Canadian Business Equipment Manufacturers Association.) Chairman, Quebec Market Committee (Association of Industrial Advertisers) Vice-President, Ryerson Alumni Association Founding member Knights of the Round Table Executive Member, Tau Epsilon Nu Communications Council (Civic Action Party) Member of Association of Canadian Advertising Association Committee Membership Association of Canadian Advertising Association Membership Industrial Advertisers Membership Industrial Marketers of Toronto Marketing teacher extension course at Ryerson Canadian National Ski Patrol --National Director of Public Relations Director, Skyloft Ski & Country Club Agents Advisory Council Confederation Life Member of the Million Dollar Roundtable Speaker on Insurance Topics Lecturer on Selling President & Owner of Newmarket Golf & Country Club Guest speaker on Etymology Guest speaker of comparative mythology Chairman and Primary Fund Raiser for the North York Symphony Orchestra Fund Raiser for Villa Colombo (Home for the Aged) Director and Treasurer of the Canadian Native Arts Foundation Public Relations for Lise Genova Inc. Speaker at the Niagara Institute Member of the Cambridge Club President & Owner of Cupolo Sports Private tutor for computer programs: of Word Perfect, Lotus, D-Base, Financial & Estate Planning Programs, Insurance Programs, and many others. Guest speaker at Life Underwriters on various insurance subjects Investor Relations Lifestart Investor Relations for Genescreen Investor Relations for Kelso Investor Relations for Yanks Peak Resources Partner, Director and Sales Manager for Retirement Compensation Funding Director and Chair for Membership Toronto Entertainment District Association (TEDA) a Business Improvement Area President and Organizer of NETWORK-NETWORK (Singles organization with 1500 member) Artist Photographer Writer