This is where my grandparents came from and where I would like to take you to experience what I have experienced on several
occasions. I have two organized tours, one in May and other in October. Here is a chance to take a trip of a lifetime to Sicily.
This is an opportunity to return with a prodigal son whom you know to the land of his forefathers. You will see all the major
sites; hear of the ancient history and peoples of this fabled island.
This is a 10-day tour in a stretch van that usually holds nine people, but we will be seven including myself, so you well
have lots of room and comfort. I am your driver guide. We will travel the main roads and the back roads of Sicily. I have
toured Sicily on several occasions, so I have recent real time experience of what it is we are going to see and do. Traveling
with a small tour group is challenging to organize and has required a great deal more planning, but I believe it's potentially
far more rewarding than traveling in a large group. I have worked with several local and provincial organizations in Sicily
to accomplish this trip once again.
Eighteenth century British aristocrats, followed by the Germans and French, established the idea of the "Grand Tour"
of Europe to discover the peoples whose history had so influenced their own. For those who could afford it, this was a great
opportunity to learn everything that the history books didn't mention. This Grand Tour of Sicily is your chance to learn more
about Europe's Museum, Sicily. You will learn and enjoy more than you will ever read in a book or by taking a commercial tour
at an exceptional price. My philosophy about touring is you are my out of town cousins and I am showing you my hometown and
countryside. The Itinerary of the Sicilian Grand Tour is attached.
You find your way to Palermo and then the tour begins. The cost of this 10-day Grand Tour of Sicily is $3,895. per person.
The dates for the organized tour are in May and October. Your land transportation, Hotel or B&B plus breakfast are included.
You only have to take care of your airfare, visits to archaeological sites and what you care to eat for lunch and supper.
Sicily. Sicily with Bill Genova. The grandest of tours the Grand Tour of Sicily with one of the grandest guys you know.
Pick up the phone now and talk to me about joining 6 of the luckiest people in the world as we travel to Sicily. Call me at
416-367-0380 and I will tell you how you can join me.
William Vito Genova
DNA Sicilian
Further information and/or reservations can be made by calling 416-367-0380 or email .
Genova Tours
230 Rose Park Drive
Toronto, Canada, M4T1R5
skype williamvitogenova