We have been here before and as a result Alleycatz has developed a following amongst networkers. This is right in the heart of the singles area, mind you they are are usually younger, but still as I always say we are seasoned youth.
Alleycatz is located at 2409 Yonge Street, 2 1/2 blocks north of Eglinton on the East side of the street. It is know for its music menu that ranges from jazz to rock, from blues to soul. They are having a special guest jazz musician from Motown Erroll Fisher to add to the evening.
The format is the same as always. There is no charge for joining NETWORK-NETWORK there is no charge for attending, finger food is gratis, cash bar and if it is possible we have dancing. It is at a different place each month, on the third Wednesday of the month. The idea is to network on a social and business bases.
Alleycatz is an elegant, airy and beautiful restaurant/bar that specializes in Mediterranean-fusion cuisine you might want to enjoy on your coin.