On Wednesday, April 21st we will be traveling a little further from downtown to meet at the Mecca of coffee culture FAEMA. Dont worry they have a bar.
Their location at 672 Dupont at Christie and is an open-concept Café. It is a favourite haunt for area residents and those who want the real thing in coffee. In fact the entire experience is as if you have visited a coffee café in Milano with its floor tiles, large and ornate chandeliers, moulded columns and Mediterranean-style murals.
This five-story structure built in 1914 was once where Fords were built. The Café was once the show room with manufacturing occurring on the upper floors and a test track on the roof. Ford relocated in 1925 and was then occupied by several food processing companies. In 1948, Planters Peanuts of Canada purchased the building and operated there until around 1987.
FAEMA took over the building in 1994. The Café is on the ground floor while the second floor houses their showrooms. We will be invited up to the showroom to sample real coffee prepared the same way youll find in Milano. Youll have an opportunity to purchase coffee equipment and supplies and fine food products from across Europe and North America.
If you can travel to Italy then Italy will travel to you when you visit with your fellow networkers to FAEMA, on Wednesday, April 21st at 5 p.m. FAEMA is located at 672 Dupont at Christie. They have a free parking lot next door or you can reach this location by subway and bus.