Saturday Morning Club
Some pictures of our Saturday Morning Gatherings
A little history of the St Lawrence Market
A contact list of those who attend on a regular or sporadic basis
Who's Who of the Saturday Morning Club
Articles about some of us
Add your name to the email list and be updated as time goes by

It's getting to be a habit!

We are just nuts about each other that is why we gather each Saturday.

The market as seen when we first started gathering at it , way back then.



The Saturday Morning Club has been meeting for years now at the south end of the market. The Motley Crew can consist of one or 101, although I don't think we have had that many. The declaration that indicates one of us at least is there is the candle and the tablecloth. These are symbols that set us apart from the barren surrounding tables, and causes passersby to wonder just who we are anyway.


Your web host,

Bill Genova


Click here to go to the St. Lawrence Market site.